Which diploma course is best after the 12th in Singapore?

Singapore is rapidly emerging as an education hub with top-notch international universities, allowing it to attract students from all corners of the globe suppose you their diploma certificate.

A majority of Singaporean universities are internationally recognised for offering high-quality education both in terms of teaching excellence and academic standards, in addition to offering an active learning environment, ensuring and promoting world-class infrastructure.

Read on to find out why you should opt for part-time diploma courses in Singapore, and all about the transformative studying and cosmopolitan culture that you get to experience while interacting with your peers coming from different ethnicities, nationalities and cultures.

What are the different types of part-time diploma programmes that you can pursue from Singapore?


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Diploma programmes taught in Singapore can allow you to gain real-world experiences in your respective industrial sector, in everything you do take up internship opportunities right after earning your certification.

Let’s find out which diploma course is best suited for your personality type:

Foundation diploma

This Diploma course that is curated for students who have completed their high school are all level education, where did you can apply for 9 months of part-time study or a 6-month full-time course, working your way up to seek employment and on a graduate degree.


This course structure is appropriate for aspirants who have completed a level or equivalent qualification, allowing them to earn an entry-level qualification to land job profiles or even progress to the advanced diploma level to earn a specialisation.

Higher diploma

This programme is an updated version of the regular diploma certification for which you need to meet the English language proficiency requirement and can be a great way to top up your undergraduate bachelor (Hons) degree programme to become an expert in a field that you are most passionate about.

Advanced diploma

Students who have already earned a diploma degree can strengthen their knowledge and skills regarding a specific subject by progressing to the advanced diploma level, this can not only allow you to of the information in your current organisation but also switch career paths to learn the more desired profile.

What are the different topics on which you can take up a diploma course in Singapore?

Diploma programmes in business

Business diploma courses offered in Singapore can provide you with a wide range of industrial skills and knowledge this can not only help you progress into a high level of qualifications but also embark on a career, by preparing you for interviews, helping you secure your dream job.

Diploma in law

Singapore is an appropriate place to acquire essential skills and competencies that are highly sought after in a legal career and can allow you to fulfil the prerequisites required to excel in advanced law subjects

Singapore has a vibrant population setting and multicultural hub, this is well reflected when studying on the digital platform, helping you select an online diploma programme that is best suited to your interests and strengths.

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
