For Instant Website Building

Website building is a challenge. Not just knowing how to code thousand lines at a stretch, but also how to put these seemingly meaning lines to human eyes into proper use. The website must draw a lot of traffic and generate revenue in order to thrive these days; and not just that – it can’t crash without any good reason. Getting tired of the geeky talks already? Well, about website building we haven’t even begun with the nerd talks, these were just starters. If you really consider yourself building a website for your business, or a personal blog for some additional earning each month; then maybe it’s wise to let an automated website building tool build your website rather than you learning everything from the scratch. is such a DIY tool that can give you the necessary head start. Features

Speaking of features, such DIY website making tools are very convenient. is a drag & drop website builder; you just choose your favorite element for your website, drag it on the window and drop it where you think it fits best. No programming knowledge is required so far, just a creative vision on website designing would do.


Ease of Use

This DIY tool is built for newbies looking forward to creating a small business or personal website with little or no knowledge about website programming at all. Thus, everything is designed to be very simple. The admin panel will guide you through every further step. This dashboard looks intuitive and user friendly; even without a user manual it won’t take long to get used to. With customizable contents and drag & drop capability, website making has never been so fun before!

Feature Rich Templates is truly versatile; thousands of templates easily guide someone through the best possible outcomes. All these templates are designed by professional website builders. From personal blog to business portfolio, showcase or even e-commerce stores, every design is doable. After the building process is done, it could be tested as a standard website as well. Basic site features and functionalities like website map, documents, gallery, fill-up forms and various extensions are available for necessary modification to any template.


The best part about is – it’s totally free. No matter what website you want to build, you don’t pay any charge for this added facility. The sign up is free and so is website making, the only payment transaction takes place when you host a website. provides their own website hosting plans with flexible pricing, starting from $5.99/month for personal websites to $15.95/month for the premium subscribers. Many DIY website building tools require money even for the website development feature as well.

Web Hosting Features

The hard drive space ranges from 1 GB to 10 GB over three different packages. The personal account gets 2 GB of bandwidth each month, and the premium gets unlimited. However, one free domain name comes with all three plans so your first website domain registration won’t be an issue. Under the Pro and Premium plans, the users get a free mobile site as well. All these features would help a small business website get a decent amount of traffic from the very beginning.

Customer Support is helpful when a user encounters any trouble. The customer service takes place over email. Most of the issues are mentioned in the FAQ section and doesn’t even require getting in touch with a customer support representative.


DIY tools make website building easier, but finding a reliable website builder and hosting company isn’t that easy. Give a try and you won’t repent your investment.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
