Using Technology to Find and Secure Your Storage Unit

With so many items cluttering your home, you could be tempted to rent a storage unit to clear out collectibles and large recreational items. These facilities seem to pop up in every town, providing secure spaces for every belonging imaginable. However, thefts at storage properties are possible, making security your top priority. It”s crucial to use technology to select and maintain your items at a remote facility.

Price Check with Internet Ease

Be savvy with technology by using it to find the perfect storage facility. Instead of driving around to different properties, you simply go online to a review website. Browse through real-life critiques of nearby properties. Even go to their individual websites to read about their security measures. The reviews themselves are crucial to your choice. A facility may have a glossy website with all the features you desire, but there could be gaping holes in their customer service or access points. Current and former customers are perfect resources within online review sites to see exactly how a facility operates.

Buy a Sturdy Lock

Technology isn”t just computers and high-tech gadgets, but also includes today”s best locks. With literally dozens of lock designs to choose from, your storage unit will have the best security with a specific model. Locks using long locking arms are easily broken. Bolt cutters are the tool of choice for storage thieves, snapping the long arms quickly to access the unit”s contents. Select a lock with a short and curved arm. Bolt cutters require some leverage to snap the metal, typically using large cutting ends. If the thieves cannot snap the lock quickly, they”ll move on to another unit.

Facility Security Measures

The storage facility itself should have ample technology gracing the walls and even outdoors. Cameras placed at all entry points and along walkways are crucial to security. These cameras should be monitored by a person on-site along with taping the recordings for use after a possible issue. Along with a widespread alarm system for the property’s perimeter, you should look for storage unit deals that can provide you with all the security you need. Additionally, security personnel tend to know exactly where a breach is when an alarm activates. You could save all of your possessions with this technology at the property.

Hide Your Technology

Even with the best locks and security, a break-in could occur at some point. Many break-ins, however, are opportunistic in nature. Thieves simply want to grab an item out of a unit and run. Make your storage area boring and difficult by making a possession fort. Place all your technology valuables, such as computers, in the middle of the space. Pile furniture and other heavy items around them to make it impossible to grab valuables in a hurry. You can avoid substantial loss with this strategy.

From strong locks to strategic packing strategies, security at your storage unit is possible with diligent observation. Note the usual people accessing their items along with the manager”s name. Any unusual behavior should be reported immediately. The best technology is always supplemented with quick reactions from Good Samaritans.

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
