How Technology Benefits Education



Technology is something that’s progressing constantly and thus represents growth and progress in the present world scenario. The education industry is utilizing the fruits of the technology industry which is growing in a geometric progression. A decade ago, as the personal computers made their stand in the consumer market and people started discovering how these technological advancements can, not be only used for fun and official purposes but also hold an extremely fruitful educational aspect to them. Now, with the frontier of mobile technology booming in the last decade a new platform has emerged which can be utilized by the education industry to piggyback upon and reach the goal of providing education in the most inaccessible areas of the world, for instance, most of the NCERT books that are followed in the CBSE syllabus are available for a free online download. The internet speeds have increased, in turn causing a better flow of information forming a global environment throughout the world.

Augmenting Reality, Gamification – New Horizons for Edification Industry

The classroom has now accepted tablets and portable devices such as laptops into its arsenal of edification tools. The technological advancements have the 21st century classrooms progressing at a previously unimaginable pace. Brand new technology has applied concepts of virtual reality and gamifying the education to create a different tutoring experience for its students. Google Expeditions is one such service that is providing students the digital experience of witnessing their education in a way that was impossible before. A smart-phone can get converted into a virtual reality device with the easy application of Google Cardboard or a Mattel View.

In similar manner, game developers or educators are putting on their creative caps to develop games that teach either through their gameplay or are completely educational in nature. The graphics are getting more compelling each day and due to the storyline that’s generally attached to these games, the experience becomes tenfold more engaging and interesting. Getting to the next level is more of an incentive to explore than teacher starting to teach the next chapter.

Data is Our Biggest Win!

The data that is generated by the budding edu-tech applications and software’s that are out there is the most interesting and phenomenal thing about this technological advancement of education. This data is the key to exploring and structuring a better education system by creating a methodology of learning that is progressive and fun. The content can be made more engaging and the courses can be tailored according to the needs and requirements of individual students. The interactions student have with their technology can be monitored to get a clear understanding of their learning patterns. Living in the age of personalization, our education also needs real time feedbacks from its users so that it takes something that was not that good before and reinvents it.

Not forgetting about the ubiquitous cloud that runs through the spine of our technological database these days, the cloud has taken data sharing to the next level and created a world classroom. Individual mobile owners are now connected to the cloud where than store tones of their data at a nominal cost and all that matters is the internet speed. This gives learning a portability feature like never before. This symbiotic relationship is of great use to everyone, teachers and students alike.

Wrapping it up

The students of 21st century, those studying in a CBSE board school in India to those in New York University, have transcended from being an inert recipient of the education to an active participant into creating a scholar centric education system. The future of the education industry consists of people learning anything they want, in any format they, at any time they want to. Check out and enjoy these cool facts online. The distinctions of local and global are melting and modern education system will have to roll with changes. Learning is moving on from being a necessary fact of life to an experience which teaches through various methodologies.

About Author

With a degree in Bachelors of Journalism, Bhoumik Joshi arrived into content writing via the print journalism world. In his press days, he was working extensively on investigative field assignments. Fascinated by the textual labyrinth one has to traverse through in the process of writing SEO optimized content, he started delving deeper into Digital Marketing. A music aficionado, he spends most of his free time surfing the World Wide Web for inspiration. With an experience of two years in content writing coupled with his witty penmanship, every time he types he aims to create a niche experience for his readers.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
