Smart Strategies Companies Need to Employ When Synching Files

Nowadays, synching files from one computer to the cloud became a typical occurrence for personal and business reasons. Anyone who has access to the Internet and owns more than one computer, tablet, and smartphone would often need the help of a file synchronization software to gain full access to all their digital contents in any device that they plan to use at the moment. This practice is particularly important to those who are working remotely from their office and using different gadgets. They need to sync their files to make their tasks easier.

However, synching also comes with a lot of risks, especially for businesses with sensitive files. Companies that have a bring your own device (BYOD) policy might compromise the confidentiality of their records if one of the employees manages to sync their gadgets since people outside the company may access these files if they get their hands on these devices. To make sure that companies will have complete control over their essential data, here are some intelligent strategies for secure file synching.


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1. Encrypt Sensitive Folders On Local Devices

If companies allow their staff to sync important files to their devices, they need to make sure to encrypt all these files. This practice can increase the security of files that are accessible to their employees even outside of work. By encrypting the folders, they can protect all the data contained in the files from unauthorized access. It will come in handy when the employee’s gadget is lost or stolen. But employers must always see to it that their staff will not store the encryption key in their device to avoid unapproved access.

Come Up With Strong Passwords

Once the company decided to encrypt their files, they also need to ensure that they are using passwords that no one can guess in an instant. It is why using generic passwords like “password123” must stop. While generic passwords are easier to remember, it can also allow unwarranted users to gain access to any encrypted data. For this reason, passwords need to contain alphanumeric and special characters to make it harder to guess by someone outside of the company.

2. Limit Synching Access

Employers must never allow complete synching of the entire company’s essential files to all members of the company. Instead, they must only authorize the staff to use file synchronization software on data that they need for their tasks whenever the need arises. Companies can also put up specifically labeled folders that employees can access and restrict those meant for the higher members of the organization.

3. Take Advantage Of “Remote Wipe” Options

Companies must install a file synchronization software that allows the removal of all files synced from a device in case it gets lost or compromised. They can pull off this function from a local computer while the other device is outside the office premises. Because of this function, employers will have no worries about unauthorized access to the company’s sensitive data contained on the synched files.

File synching can increase the company’s efficiency and allow the staff to work outside their office cubicles when needed. But it can also put the company in danger if the device lands in the wrong hands. Compromised data security can cause a lot of problems for any business. Because of this, it’s essential to understand all the potential liabilities that file synching can bring to the company. However, as long as they follow all the necessary security measures mentioned above, they can limit the possible risks brought by synching the data into the personal devices of their employees.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
