Should You Really Invest In Monitoring Software?

There are many ways to improve your employee productivity levels. Monitoring their internet use is one option, and there are different ways to do that. You could keep an eye out for the use as you pass the office, but you could also invest in monitoring software. It doesn’t matter which type of software you use, you need to determine whether this is really worth investing in. Here are some considerations to make before buying software.

Do You Really Want to Monitor Employees This Way?

There are other ways to monitor internet use. For one, you could actually trust your employees to get on with their work on a daily basis. If you wanted to get certain websites out of the office, you could also choose to block them on all computers around the office.

Monitoring the internet use certainly helps, and is ethical especially if you inform employees that they are being monitored. It can be better than blocking sites because it shows that you are allowing them to make their own judgment on their internet use in the office. They can also have free reign when it comes to their own time.

Track Your Employee’s Use

Software allows you to track your employee use. However, you can do this without it. You can keep an eye on computer use throughout the day. The software just makes it easier to keep a record of everything.


Image Source: Pixabay

The software will do more than just track which employee is online. It will track how long they are online for, all the websites visited, and the days of the week they are more likely to check. This is great for gathering evidence or just to see if there is a pattern. You may notice that your social media expert is online constantly for her job, while your personal secretary just checks her personal emails during her lunch break or right at the end of the day.

It’s Easier than Checking Manually

Having software to monitor the use is much better and effective than checking manually. You will be able to catch the use in the act, and some software companies will give you the ability to set up alerts for specific websites.

Tracking your employees is also easier. You can see if certain ones are more likely to use the internet for personal use at certain times, or if one employee spends all of his time online for his own personal gain. Tracking it can be great to gather the evidence when it comes to firing someone for breaking the office internet rules.

Investing in software definitely cuts down the time it will take to do all the monitoring. However, you may decide that you just want to trust your employees that they are doing their job. If you do decide to use the software you then need to pick the best one for your needs. There are various options, including monitoring software at Windows.

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
