Optimise Your Learning Capacity with New Styles and Techniques

Our ability to learn is something that never ends, we spend our lives learning new skills and tasks and refining them to ensure they are easy for us to participate in and allows them to be used in everyday life. We spend a great deal of time throughout education learning areas we need to know for adult life and then spend more time within our careers learning and adapting to new techniques which makes our jobs easier.

There are different techniques that have been developed by experts that are supposed to allow us an easier way to absorb and utilise information and one of the leading methods is called the Kolb Learning Style, a method that was developed by David Kolb and is a method that surrounds the use of experiential learning theory.

The method covers four main areas of learning:

  • Concrete experience
  • Abstract conceptualisation
  • Reflective observation and
  • Active experimentation

David Kolb developed this style of learning and based it around situational demands and the way people to react to the things they have to face in different situations in everyday life. Within all walks of life it is important to be able to adapt to new techniques and to learn new skills that will help you progress as a person. This is most relevant when it comes to the roles we take within the work place. We need to be able to learn consistently to stay current and focused in the niche industry and adhering to new techniques will allow us the promotional options that we all secretly desire. In any working environment it is essential to showcase the skills that you already posses and ensure employers are aware of a keen need and want to learn, they will be able to see the commitment that is being offered to the company and the passion which encourages you to want to learn new skills.

We are divided into different categories depending on the ways in which we learn, the ways that we take in and absorb the most information. There is no right or wrong way or a preferred method, it is merely essential to highlight the ways in which people learn the best to ensure they are able to commit the things they learn to memory and be able to use these areas in the future. Some of the most known ways to learn skills are:

  • Visual learners – the use of pictures, images and spatial understanding allows for better learning
  • Aural learners – sounds and music are the best ways to allow a piece of information to be taken in and understood
  • Verbally – words are the key tools that allow for the best type of learning and future use
  • Physical – also known as kinaesthetic learners use their hands, bodies and a sense of touch to learn
  • Logical – logic and reasoning and realistic techniques are used to commit information to memory
  • Social – working alongside other people greatly improves and supports the learning ability
  • Solitary – individual learning combined with self study are the ways in which solitary learners in take information
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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
