Is There Any Career by Choosing Interior Design Course in Mumbai?

Interior Designing is about how we experience spaces. It entails working with architects to not only ensure efficient use of interior spaces but also make them attractive and visually appealing through the ideal use of colours, furnishings, furniture, lighting, and other decorations.  

Interior designing is not limited to designing interiors for residential spaces only, but it also extends to designing interiors for commercial areas like Offices, Industrial units, hospitality space design and styling, Aircraft, Luxury boats (yachts), etc. 

Career options on completion of Interior Design course in Mumbai: 


Image Source: Pixabay

Immense opportunities exist both nationally as well as internationally for people on completion of Interior Designing course. Following are a few of the diverse job profiles existing in the market for Interior Design professionals:

  • Interior Designer: Conceptualize, design and ideate as per the client’s requirements to enhance the looks of the available space along with its utility.
  • Researcher: He is involved with researching sustainable, effective, and economical materials and designs. In addition, he interacts with other designers to discuss the new trends as well as new techniques in interior designing.
  • Lighting Designer: They can be involved in designing lighting for office as well as commercial space besides residential space. They are involved in not only creating various light fixtures but also analyzing their impact on the surrounding environment
  • Product Designer: Product designers are hired to come up with not only marketable and profitable product designs but also designs that offer an outstanding user experience. 
  • Teacher: Responsible for not only shaping new talent but also giving a direction to the career of future interior designing professionals.
  • Design Journalist: Flair for writing coupled with designing skills will inspire you to write blogs, articles in magazines, and websites about new trends, materials. They can also be influencers reviewing various products, sharing various hacks, etc. 
  • Furniture Designer: They are involved with designing interior as well as exterior furniture/furnishings- couch, chairs, tapestry, tables, etc. basis the functionality and the ensuing trend. 
  • Exhibition Designer: He works on large-scale projects and exhibitions. He is even involved in designing the exhibition stalls basis the ethos of the organization, the product on display, and the messaging to be given.
  • Set designer/Art Director/Production Designer: They are employed with the entertainment industry and are responsible to bring to life the ideas, scripts, etc. of the film/TV writer and director through their creativity.
  • Consultant: As a consultant, he will be offering suggestions to various companies to help improve business, strategy, and profitability.

Interior design course in Mumbai 

Given the vast opportunities, the interior design course in Mumbai offers various courses. To select the ideal course, one needs to consider the following:

  1. The curriculum must pursue an integrated approach to design and technical knowledge
  2. Optimum exposure through participation in live projects, competitions, interaction with experts, internships. This will also ensure a strong work portfolio for students.
  3. Certification to be recognised Internationally besides in domestic market

Just scram and hop on to a career that is the amalgamation of art and science.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
