How to View Instagram Stories Anonymously

Instagram is a fun place to look at other people’s photos, videos, and stories. And, as we all know, those people will get a notification every time you click on their stories. But, there is a way to avoid this and watch other people’s stories anonymously.

Namely, you will need a little help from a website where you can find everything about the Instagram story downloading process. Also, we will discuss here five important steps on how to view Instagram stories anonymously. Let’s begin.

View Instagram Stories anonymously – 5 Easy steps

1. Select the Username

In order to view someone’s story anonymously, you first need to copy their username. Now, the only thing that you need to keep in mind is that the profile must be PUBLIC. Anyhow, you will find the username right next to the profile picture of the person.

All you need to do is to select it and copy it. You can do this by pressing ‘’ctrl+c’’ after you selected the name, or you can copy their username from the address bar.


Image Source: Pixabay

2. Go to website

Now, the next step requires you to visit the website. Simply speaking, there are plenty of ways to do this step. You can type the ‘’’’ in the address bar in your browser and you will be directly brought to the website.

On the other hand, you can just use the search engine on your browser and then click on the link that leads to the website. In any case, the result is the same.

3. Enter the Username

After you copied the username and came to the website, it is time now to paste that username in the ‘’text box’’. This ‘’text box’’ will be the first thing you see when you come to the website.

You need to paste the username there in order to advance to the next step.

4. Find and click on the ‘’Download Instagram Story’’ button

This step requires you to find and click the ‘’Download Instagram Story’’ button. Now, this button is located right under the text box, you really can’t miss it. By hitting his button, the website will show you the content of the story in a few seconds.

You will need to download this content so you can view the Instagram story anonymously.

5. Save the story content to your device

Now, when you see the story content, it is time to find the ‘’Download’’ button and press it. This way, your browser will start downloading the story content to your device so you can see it anonymously.

Once again, we remind you that the profile must be PUBLIC in order for this to work.


Viewing Instagram stories anonymously isn’t impossible at all. Also, it is not that hard to do as well. You just need a little bit of help from the website to do so.

Anyhow, make sure to follow all the steps correctly and you will be able to watch other people’s story anonymously for sure.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
