How to Turn Potential Ecommerce Customers into Real Ecommerce Customers

In the ecommerce world, so much of your success depends on how user-friendly and natural your website feels to your visitors. With so many businesses giving their customers the option to do business with them online, it’s vital that you make your website stand out in some way in order to get the sales over your competition.

According to Lauren Vaccarello at AdRoll, only 2 percent of shoppers make a purchase from your website on their first visit. This means that 98 percent of the people who come to your ecommerce site leave before making a purchase with you, giving them the chance to check out the competition and weigh their options.

In order to give your business the chance to up that 2 percent to something a bit higher, here are two ways you can improve your website to help turn your potential customers into actual customers.


Image Source: Pixabay

Give the Right Info at the Right Time

Context is key when adding content to your website. If you push your potential customers into the buying process too soon, they are likely to leave without purchasing anything from you. You must build a little rapport before someone will trust you enough to purchase from you.

One way to ensure this trust is built in the right way is to create pages on your website that focus on the principle of the sales funnel. This means knowing which stage in the purchasing process a user is at and then giving them relevant information that someone at the particular stage would want or need in order to move forward in the purchasing process. advises taking the path from interest to solution to benefits and finally to purchase. By providing specific pages on your website catered to someone at each on the these stages and then linking to the next phase, you can know your potential customers is being given just what they need to nurture their initial interest and turn that into a purchase.

Streamline the Purchasing Process

Once your potential customer has decided they want to purchase from you, it’s important to make this process as easy as possible. KISSmetrics advises ecommerce sites to make their checkout process more transparent with their customer by visually charting their progress through the process. Include each step in the checkout process in a kind of flow chart so the customer can see what they have done previously, what’s coming next, and have the option to easily return to any step they need. For the actual technology of your tracker, KISSmetrics suggests using Gilt visual progress indicator because of its clean presentation and succinct information.

With so many similar websites selling similar products on the Internet, you really have to fight to get customers to choose you over your competitor. To make their decision easier, use the above two tips to assist you in turning your almost customers to actual customers.

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
