How to Make More People Trust Your Website

When it comes to marketing and advertising, there has often been a tendency toward slick website designs that grab people’s attention and wow them with their array of bells and whistles.  Yet design aside, many businesses are discovering that visual appeal doesn’t address all clients’ needs—like the need to trust your company or organization.  A great looking and functioning website can tell people that your business might be successful and at least knows what it’s doing in terms of website design, but is your business getting the trust part right?

Browse the Web

When considering your website design and before you host it, it is worth your while to check out hosting reviews online. Take a look at websites you trust as well as new sites you’ve never viewed before.  What makes you trust them or not?  By building in trustworthy elements to your own platform, you’ll strengthen a potential client’s opinion of your website and ultimately in your business or organization

Speak Directly and Use Direct Language

Overtly abstract or lofty language that requires puzzling out the meaning isn’t straightforward and won’t enhance the trust factor of a website.  Tell people directly who you are, what you do, and possibly—somewhere accessible on you site—what you charge or at least who to call to discuss rates.  Avoid spelling and grammatical errors at all costs as these little mistakes will undermine both authority and trust among customers or potential customers.  It’s important that websites convey transparency and language is a key method to come across clear and truthful.

Use a Trust Certificate

An article in wikiHow suggests that people who want to trust in a website’s validity should look for a trust certificate.  A trust certificate means that the website is registered with an internet trust organization like BBB (Better Business Bureau) or another agency that can provide verification of the business.  This certification is helpful for people who aren’t sure if an internet business is legitimate.


It can be helpful to secure trust by stating the value associated with your company’s products or services.  Certainly it can be wise to note price up front; it frustrates people when they have to perform an aerobic-level search to find this basic information.  Yet businesses should describe everything that a customer gets for their money.  Talk about your customer service practices, warranty, and follow-up care.  Discussing each of these elements can elevate a website’s trust factor.


Showing a video of your business—its production process or a tutorial–can ramp up people’s opinion and trust of a company.  A video blog or a video of staff at work might also lend credibility to your website.  Similarly, photos posted on the site might also be a powerful indicator of your company’s trustworthiness.

Taken together, these tips can help you design a more trustworthy website to attract new clients and customers who may be skeptical about working with a previously unknown business.  If your business or brand is new, these tips are doubly important as you try to grow your organization and broaden your customer base.

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
