How to Avoid the Most Common SEO Mistakes at All Costs


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Did you know that around 67% of small businesses make it through their second year? If you”re hoping to keep your business up and running for the long haul, you need to invest in innovative marketing strategies. Search engine optimization, or SEO, should be a critical component of your digital campaign — but you need to execute it the right way. 

Keep reading to learn how to avoid the most common SEO mistakes at all costs!

Focusing on the Wrong Content

Content that seems unfocused or irrelevant won”t help you rank well in search engines. If you”re creating blog posts for your website, aim to offer content that shows you know what you”re talking about. That way, your audience will stick around.

For instance, maybe you”re a contractor. Offer a how-to post on replacing a kitchen backsplash or painting a wall. This kind of content shows you have deep knowledge of the subject area.

In the same vein, stuffing your content with keywords will create less engaging content. It will be obvious to a reader that you”re doing this — and they”ll look elsewhere. Instead, develop killer content that uses research and expertise to draw in readers.

Choosing Poor Keywords

If you”re one of the 27 million Americans at the helm of new businesses, you need to stand out from the crowd. You can do this by reaching for the right keywords and sprinkling them into your blog posts and descriptions. Choosing very generic keywords means that your website will be competing against everyone.

Long-tail SEO is one of the types of SEO you should have in your strategy. These are longer keywords that will target more specific traffic that might be likelier to buy your products or services. Long-tail keywords also result in a lower volume of traffic, however.

Just make sure you”re optimizing all copy, descriptions, and tags on your site to include your keywords. And don”t just use one keyword when you”re trying to use SEO to rank higher. 

Not Evaluating Analytics 

As a small business owner, it”s vital to know how you”re doing with your marketing strategy and SEO. And that means looking at how many impressions and clicks you”re getting on your website. Likewise, you”ll want to ensure that your click-through rate is improving.

Take advantage of the free tools at your disposal. You can find Google Search Console redirect errors, for example, to locate pages on your site that don”t index properly. This is a critical error to correct because you want your page to rank well. 

With this data in mind, make adjustments to build your audience. Refresh your SEO strategy to include more precise keywords and insert enough links to site pages in your content.

Avoid Common SEO Mistakes

When you”re aware of SEO mistakes, it”s easier to stay away from making them. Prioritize relevant, SEO-rich content that will hook your readers and keep them on your website. And make a point of reviewing your analytics to see if you”re generating the traffic to help your business flourish. 

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
