Hotspot Shield: Software of Joy Downloads
It creates a network which is private in which the user gains a protective access to all the web content. But he can control their data. For the protection of cloud malware this software is mostly used by expats and travelers, those people which have to save their contents when they were travelling. It is mostly used by students and business travelers. Software allows users to reach to the information throughout the world. In Egypt, Tunisia and Libya has passed the censorship in the Arab protests which takes place in the spring. The joydownload has the hotspot shield as a major security. There are different terms of privacy and different conditions must be accepted to run the program when its installation completed. This is published by The New York news paper and CNN. Anchor Free developed this software, in Silicon Valley. In April 2008 the application was published for Mac operating systems and windows. It uses the support for the Android in the year 2011 and IOS in 2012. In 2010 during the Arab protests, the protesters used this software to access to the social network sites to talk or to upload the videos.
Installation of hotspot shield:
The installation of the software depends on the system but mostly it takes about few minutes. Uncheck all the boxes recommended before the installation completes, especially using the Firefox at that time. In this way we can control that is closed. Run hotspot shield after installation from the start menu. The shield icon is with a red crescent which is located near the system time and other icons. Click on the hotspot shield icon in order to proceed. Hotspot shield will be off by default. By clicking “Connect” it will start the encrypted connection. The software can be upgraded to the Elite version so that it has more control but free version is also very powerful. In order to adjust the hotspot shield’s settings there is a better idea. By pressing the gear icon we will enter the “Network Detection” tab which is in the options. It also includes the status icon and the length of the pauses in the protection. By making changes in the software click on the “Apply” option in the front of the application. The Joy download is the best site to protect our window through hotspot shield.