Easy Fixes to Speed Up your Mac
One more issue with your Mac and you are ready to throw it out of the window. Whatever happened to that fast and smooth processing of your Mac? You think about those days when you never had a slow speed issue or long booting time with your Mac.
So, if you find your Mac not running to your expectations, don’t lose hope. There are many ways in which you can fix these issues. Here are some of the most tried and tested methods, which can bring your Mac, back to life.
Make some space
The first thing you need to learn is, how to get your Mac’s hard drive free from unwanted files and programs. When your Mac is running on low space, it tends to get sluggish. This problem is very common and can be easily dealt with, and it needs a little data cleanup.
However, first, you need to check how much free space is available on your Mac. Follow these steps, click on the Apple logo, you can find it at the top left corner of your screen, select About This Mac, and click the storage tab. If you find it almost full, click on the manage button and free up some space.
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When you install an app on your Mac, it comes as a collection of files called a package, which includes a set of permissions that tell macOS, how that particular app is going to behave. With updates, these permissions get revised, which results in lagging, freezing, or crashing.
To resolve this issue, macOS has an inbuilt utility, known as Disk Utility. However, if you still cannot fix the slow processing issue, you can find apps, which can deal with this issue; all you have to do is log into Google, and search, cleanmymac. Keep in mind; only download the apps which are compatible with your version of Mac.
Keep your macOS up-to-date
Apple releases new versions of macOS frequently, these are free and easy to install. In case your system is running on the previous version of OS, updating your macOS, might just do the trick for you. Newer updates of macOS include several performance enhancements, security, and privacy improvements.
To install these updates, go to your system preferences > software update and then install updates. In case your system is already up to date, make sure you check the automatic updates box. It will keep your Mac up to date, whenever it receives any official update from Apple.
Reduce login items
If you find your mac taking a lot of time in just booting up, the reason maybe there are too many apps opening up a start-up. You can easily fix this issue, just go to system preference > users and groups and then click on the login tab to find which apps are open when you log in. Click on the minus sign in front of the apps, which you do not want to start up while booting up your Mac.
Clear Cache memory
Every app you use on your Mac collects all sorts of unnecessary digital information that consumes space on your hard drive. Even harmless browsing can create massive amounts of cache, with their backlog of browsing history. Which in return affects the overall performance of your Mac. That’s why you should remove your cache from time to time.
However, web browsers are not only apps that create caches and other files. Few other apps which you use like photoshop and video editors also create temporary files that can consume a lot of space and affect the performance of your Mac. Keep a regular check on these apps and you are all set.
In Conclusion
A slow Mac can very much affect your productivity. Always keep a check on your Mac with regular cleanups and updates. These easy fixes can make your life a lot easier. But the catch is you have to apply these fixes at regular intervals. This can save you time and energy while working on any major project.