Developing Optimized States of Logistic Flow Networks

Technology is a central key to solving modern problems with business-based logistics. Any technological improvements that makes the production, storage, and flow of products operate more smoothly in the business world can spell huge profits for thriving supply chain-based companies. When there is a lull in one of these areas, this can sometimes spell disaster instead. Consequently, new tools and techniques are always needed to optimize product flow networks to avoid these problems. Sometimes it all depends on what a given link in the supply chain is all about in order to begin to understand how to best optimize how products are distributed along that portion of the network. Companies that can position themselves in the path of heavy product flow rates will stand to continue to improve revenue streams as they acquire and move more products along the supply chain.

Doing The Math

Part of the goal of optimizing the flow within a network, such as a supply chain, requires a lot of mathematical modeling. Mathematics becomes an essential tool that drives many cuing algorithms needed to study and predict internal network flow rates. These algorithms rely on using data produced at each node along a weighted graph to determine how to improve the efficiency of flow rates at specific times. In some cases, the best optimized states require slowing down certain flow points. In other words, sometimes the flow of a logistic”s network is hindered by one part of the network operating too quickly. At other times, it is necessary to speed up flow rates at specific parts of a network to ensure a better result in other areas of the network. The trick is to employ the use of computers to figure out what the ideal flow are that render the best results for all the businesses operating in such a network. When each business is doing everything at the correct time, the outcome will lead to the best picture of efficient product distribution and profit potential.


Image Source: Pixabay

Snags in the Flow

Due to how the economy works, the theory of an optimized flow network for business logistics often looks better on paper than in actual practice. In a less than ideal model, factors such as distribution delays caused by unforeseen reasons and changes in sales trends will inevitably effect how efficiently products move through nodes along the network. According to an article on, there are instances when a factor like consolidation of products is useful to effect a reduction in costs between suppliers and receivers. What this ultimately implies is that even if time or profits are lost temporarily along the flow points of the network, other strategies can be introduced to correct for these lulls in optimized efficiency. This in turn helps to mitigate these losses, and it also helps to keep the supply chain operating within a healthy set of parameters. For a particular business to be able to operate more profitably within such a network, it is smart for that business to actively employ computer models that predict the best business decisions for them to make in response to changes in how flow rates occur along the supply chain.

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
