Daily mistakes made by CFD traders

If you are an avid CFD trader, you know that opportunities can arise at any moment. What separates the success stories from the unsuccessful ones is how well they have prepared themselves; mistakes made during a trade can cause irreparable harm to your trajectory and profitability. While not all mistakes are necessarily catastrophic, it’s essential to stay on top of them so that minor errors don’t pile up into bigger things down the line.

In this article, we’ll discuss some of the daily mistakes CFD traders make and what to do about them – Because nobody has time for economic implosions.

Not having a plan

Regarding CFD trading, not having a good plan is a mistake many traders make daily. This lack of planning often leads to poor decision-making and an overall lack of control over the trades. With no plan in place, novice traders tend to jump into positions with little knowledge about when to get in or out, risking large amounts of capital without any safety net. Even experienced traders may risk their entire balance if they have not considered how to exit a position before entering it.


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Planning before trading should be the first step for every trader to ensure that you’re entering and exiting trades at the optimal time and can keep on top of your decisions as the markets move. Creating that plan can result in more successful trading outcomes, better money management, and greater peace of mind. Credible brokers such as Saxo usually have a suite of tools designed to help traders create and track their trading plans, allowing them to stay in control and maximise their chances of doing well.

Trading too much or not enough

Many traders make the mistake of trading too much or not enough, which can be detrimental to their success. Traders who need to trade more may miss potential opportunities and have more difficulty reaching their objectives. On the other hand, overzealous traders tend to generate more losses than earnings due to the lack of research and planning for each move.

To strike the perfect balance, you must find a strategy that works for you and stick to it. Knowing when to enter and exit trades, how long you plan to hold onto a trade, and what type of risk/reward ratio you are comfortable with is essential. If your risk tolerance is low, avoid high-leverage trades altogether. On the other hand, if you’re comfortable with a more aggressive approach, more significant positions with higher levels of leverage can give you better returns.

Letting emotions dictate your trading decisions

Emotions can play a significant role when you are trading CFDs. Fear, anxiety, and greed can cloud your judgment and lead to costly decisions. The key is to stay focused on the plan and stick to it regardless of what may happen in the markets.

It is also essential to keep track of your trades to have something tangible to refer back to. Keeping a journal of your trades can help remind you what has worked and what has not so that you avoid repeating the same mistakes.

Focusing on the wrong indicators

Many traders tend to focus on the wrong indicators when trading CFDs. They look at short-term changes instead of longer-term trends or rely too heavily on technical indicators such as moving averages and Bollinger bands. Trend analysis is vital for successful CFD trading, as it provides an overview of the entire market rather than focusing on single stocks or currency pairs.

Using multiple indicators can also help identify potential entry and exit points. Fundamental analysis is also essential for understanding the big picture of the markets and staying on top of news and economic events that may impact your trades.

Not taking trades when they’re available

Many traders habitually hold onto their positions for too long, hoping that the market will move in their favour. While this may be a sound strategy sometimes, it can backfire if you don’t take trades when they become available.

Taking trades at regular intervals is an essential part of trading CFDs, as it allows you to cash out some of your earnings and reduce the risk of being overexposed to a single trade. It can help you stay in control of your positions and give you a way to recover from losses if the market moves against you.


Overtrading is a common mistake among CFD traders and can be expensive if not done right. Overtrading involves entering more trades than you can handle and can lead to losses if the market moves against your position.

The key is to focus on quality over quantity. It’s better to take fewer but well-researched trades than to enter numerous trades that you need help understanding. You should also ensure you have a sound risk management strategy in place to minimise your losses if the market moves against you.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
