Common Mistakes Made By Newbie Website Owners

Look around the web and it won’t be long before you encounter claims that it has never been easier to start a website business. In simple terms, this is correct. It is possible to build a site quite quickly from scratch, using templates and walkthroughs.

The reality is, though, that having a website is one thing; having a business is another entirely. And, many common mistakes can be made by newbies and rookies to the online world.

In today’s guide, we’re going to reveal what those standard errors are, and tell you how to avoid them. Let’s get started right away.

Free hosting

Free web hosting can be a great tool for setting up a website. But let’s be clear – it is not a professional look for your site. Load times can be lengthy for your customers, and you might even have to put up with advertising on your site for other services. Not only that, of course, but you will receive no real support when there is downtime, or things go wrong. Invest in high-quality web hosting package and you can expect a much higher level of service.

Poor design

Because of the sheer number of templates available today – many of which are free – it can be tempting to use them. Don’t. If you do have to use templates, pay for one that gives your site a professional look. It is always better to build a site from scratch, however, so find a web developer if your coding skills are lacking.

Lack of impact

Everyone that visits your website will make an instant judgment about its quality. It is essential that your site tells everyone what it is, why it exists, and how it helps your customers. The impact is everything online – you have less than ten seconds to make an impression.

Poor user experience

Once you have the attention of your visitor, don’t lose them. Look into the user experience – or UX – and make your site work as intuitively as possible. There are plenty of UX professionals out there that can help if you aren”t sure which direction you need to take.


Lack of search optimization means you will get far fewer visitors to your site, meaning you miss out on earning potential. You can learn about SEO yourself, of course, but in many cases, it is cheaper and quicker to hire a pro. Find out how much an SEO Company will cost in your area, and see if it is worth the investment.

Lack of measurement

We can’t stress enough how important measuring your success is when you have a website. Without measuring your results, you will have no idea of what you are doing right – and wrong. Start by installing Google Analytics. It’s an easy learning curve, and it will give you a snapshot of how your website is performing.

OK, so if you are setting up a new website, we hope these tips will help you make it a success. Feel free to leave any of your tips and experiences in the comments section below.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
