How to Choose a Dedicated Server in Europe

A dedicated server is a single computer server that has been set aside particularly for a major cause like networking, managing printer resources and many more. In the web hosting businesses, it is important to set aside a dedicated server that can serve as a networking bridge in your business. However, choosing such a server depends on a lot of factors that you have to consider. There are several reasons why you may find yourself in need of a dedicated server in Europe:

Reasons for basing a dedicated server in Europe

  • Customer bases: many American brands have customer bases around Europe. Therefore it’s important to give consumers a standard user experience that is consistent with the brands that are delivered in the large market. It is advisable to host a version of your website on your server as a way of ensuring a quick page loading speed and a better browsing experience. Furthermore, Europe is the best place to host a dedicated server because the data that allows the website to be served has a lesser distance to travel to the end users device.
  • SEO: it makes much sense to host your website in the country that represents your key market. Having your dedicated server near you helps with your rankings on Google. This is because Google uses the IP address of your server to determine its geographical location and then search through which versions it should be ranked.
  • Climate: climate can affect the way your dedicated server works. Having your website and server in the same location relatively means that power supplies and weather conditions tend to be reliable.
  • Sovereignty of data: Netherlands dedicated servers are effective in determining the sovereignty of the data it contains.


Image Source: Pixabay

Factors to consider when choosing a dedicated server in Europe

  • Affordability: if you are looking for the best dedicated server, you should always look for nothing but the best total package. Affordability is very important when it comes to servers. There are different hosting providers where you can cheaply buy a dedicated server. However, it does not come with the full package, there’s something that is always a miss. Instead of buying a cheap server that will give you a slow response and unprofessional help, it is better to save up and get a better dedicated server that will be faster and provide smoother browsing. You also have to look at the quality of the server that you want to buy: is it good enough? Worth the price? Do not go for something very cheap that will later on result in packet data loss and customer complaints.
  • Where to buy the dedicated server: there are many places to buy dedicated servers from but Europe and USA stand to be the best markets. If you are able to buy a dedicated server in Netherlands, you are at an advantage of being hosted in a good central location in the world. Netherlands is well known for its high quality infrastructure and networking connectivity. Competition from other states and countries is however very big.
  • Taking time: looking for a dedicated server and is the same as shopping for a house or a car. You as the buyer have to take time in choosing something that has better specifications and good performance. Take time to do a research about the type of server you want because the more information you get, the better you are versed in what you what you want and need.


Whether you are interested in buying a server in Europe or the USA, it is important to research, check reviews, contact the seller and ask questions.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
