Benefits of economical bulk SMS

We are simply going to explore different benefits of economical bulk SMS:

Cost effective

As the heading of this topic has two important words to focus on, which are bulk and economical. They both are inter-related, hence giving the meaning. This tool of marketing follows the fundamental of more the quantity, lesser the price. This principle is more beneficial to those who opt for this service, as it gives more value to the every penny spent.

Vast Coverage

These days in India or anywhere abroad, almost everybody use mobile phones which has paved its way to effective marketing. More the mobiles, more the coverage and better the results. Depending on the objective of using this service, sender can decide the area of recipients as there are extensive mobile users all over the geographies.

Instant deliverability

The immediate and fast delivery of these messages makes bulk messaging an important promotional tool in today’s world of cut-throat competition. Within minutes, one can send the desired information to as many people as one wants regardless of their location. Various corporate houses choosing this service as it is NOT a time consuming exercise.


Image Source: Pixabay

Text or Voice bulk SMS

Again the ball is in the sender’s court, one can choose which sms would be more useful or effective to use, i.e. bulk text messages (bulk text sms) or bulk voice messages (bulk voice calls). Both has different benefits, as the case maybe.

Easy to determine results

The most important benefit of this service is that the sender can analyze the result by obtaining the delivery reports of text messages and by recording the voice sms, which eventually helps the sender to ascertain the outcome of doing this exercise. SMS gateway India also assist in the same.

Can be used for reminders or alerts

This service has proved out to be a very useful and effective tool to prevent frauds and other anti-community practices. Various banks and financial institutions throughout the world use this service for reminders and alerts to their clients and customers to maintain the authenticity and confidentiality. Alerts to give an update on every transaction made and reminders for the upcoming transactions.

Easiest tool of marketing

Bulk voice calls/ bulk voice sms or bulk sms is the easiest way of promotion these days, as there are various vendors who provide these services of SMS gateway India which makes it very simple and easy to share the critical information along with data of recipients who read it.


The difference between bulk sms marketing and bulk mails marketing is reliability, unlike mails, sms doesn’t have to go through spams or other filters. It is more of a one to one sharing as it has got better access to the end users because the chances of getting read is way better once a mobile beeps rather than a mail alert.

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
