The Benefits of Magnesium Oxide

If you”re looking for some natural ways to handle common ailments, you might have a lot of work ahead of you. Adequately researching what will help you with your particular ailment can be time-consuming, so it”s wise to start simply.

What”s magnesium oxide?

Magnesium is a mineral that we usually get from our diet. One of the basic chemical elements, it assists cellular function, nerves, muscles, and organs such as the heart.

That makes it pretty important to make sure you”re getting enough magnesium. If you”re not getting enough of it in your diet, you might start to experience symptoms of muscle cramps, irritability, and depression.

What can it be used for?

In addition to supplementing a healthy level of magnesium in the body, this mineral can be used for acute situations as well. It”s most commonly used to help with problems of indigestion and heartburn, as well as other digestive issues.

You may recognize the phrase “milk of magnesia,” which is a long-time commercial product with the same derivative. It can be used as a laxative to evacuate the bowels quickly (just before surgery), but should be used sparingly for that purpose.

Are there side effects?

Sometimes, magnesium oxide can cause digestive and GI issues when a person takes it regularly. Taking the tablets with food can diminish these effects, however.

Some people complain of the taste of the magnesium oxide tablets, but that can be offset by drinking citrus juice or a citrus-flavored soda.

Serious side effects include: rashes, hives, itching, dizziness, mood changes, and excessive weakness. If you experience these symptoms, you may be having an allergic reaction and need to seek medical attention immediately.

Where can it be obtained?

This is an over-the-counter medication that can be bought at most pharmacies, vitamin and supplement stores, and online outlets such as Barrington magnesium oxide supplier. Although quite a few people are turning to more natural methods to treat themselves, it”s crucial to remain in contact with a physician, especially if you have a history of medical problems and take other medications.

Drug interactions

Anyone adding a new medicine to his or her current regimen needs to make certain that the magnesium oxide isn”t going to react badly with other medicines the person is currently taking. The two major medications that have severe interactions with magnesium oxide are HIV medication dolutegravir and hyperkalaemia medicine, or sodium polystyrene sulfonate.

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
