6 Tips to Optimize Your Website Conversion Rate

Attracting traffic to a business’ website is only the half way mark. Visitors must then be encouraged to remain on the website. The more enticing the content, and the longer their visit, the greater the likelihood of converting them into clients. Here are a few steps to take to ensure a higher conversion rate..

Digital Content

One study projected that nearly 70% of all internet traffic will be a result of digital content by 2017. Videos offered online provide consumers with content that is effective and efficient. This type of format satisfies their need for information while simultaneously entertaining them.

Most business owners today are familiar with the term ‘viral video’. They are also aware that this is an extremely successful method of marketing any brand. The term viral indicates that digital content is popular by permeating the internet and social media. These videos are not only enticing, but viewers are provided with the ability to share the content with friends and family. This is online marketing free of charge.

Intuitive Web Design and Navigation

Conversion rates are no longer only for e-commerce websites but for any customer website conversion path, this is established by we well thought out navigation. One of the first things website visitors look for is links to direct them to information about the business, product and/or service descriptions, and contact options. It is important to design a website that is simple to navigate. All of the links should comprehensive and efficiently organized.

Another essential element to include is business information. Visitors must be able to quickly determine what the website and company are about. Provide a succinct paragraph, company image, and mission statement. The identity of the company must be firmly established or unfulfilled visitors will exit the website.


Image Source: Pixabay

Blog Design

In today’s world a blog is no longer an optional extra. Successful online conversion marketing requires a blog that is well designed. This makes information simple to locate and entices visitors to pursue more. The content should be simple clearly visible on any type of device, whether computer, mobile, or desktop computer. It is also essential to refresh the website’s information on a regular basis to keep visitors engaged.

Including Social Media

Social media capabilities are a necessity which heightens visitors’ experience with your website. There are two effective methods for this. Embedding social widgets encourages users to share exciting information via the website. Creating social media accounts on a variety of platforms will ensure the retention of user interaction and keep them abreast of updates.

Customer Feedback

Businesses have long been aware that customer feedback is the best form of marketing. Invite satisfied clients to post their opinions and experiences on the company website as well as on social media platforms. This provides an effective, efficient and often free method of showcasing positive feedback to potential clients. An example of a powerful marketing tool is posting digital content of satisfied customer testimonials.

Implement Calls to Action

An irresistible call to action should be implemented when contacting customers whether via social media or email. This provides them with a choice of action. Language that is low-pressure, yet exciting should be used to provoke the client to act. Adding incentives are a bonus. Be sure the call to action clearly describes what, when, why, and especially how. Effective Call to Action text is particularly important on landing pages for the conversion rate of products on e-commerce websites.

The online world is constantly changing therefore its marketing must evolve as well. The previously mentioned methods are essential tips for successful online marketing conversion. It is important to provide what clients are demanding. This is most effectively accomplished by defining the company, providing contact information, and solid evidence that clients cannot survive without its products and/or services.

This article was contributed by Magicdust, a digital agency providing a full range of online marketing services, web design and ecommerce websites.

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
