4 Things That Can Destroy Your Blog
Many bloggers dream of traveling the world (perhaps as a travel or foodie blogger) sampling the local fare, getting immersed in the culture and basically having a moving office. That’s certainly feasible for the cream of the crop, but even they need the right characteristics and technology to make it happen. If you’re thinking of delving into the world of sole proprietorship and becoming a nomad who blogs, there are a few foundations you need to establish.
First, monetizing a blog takes time, often the right software, and it’s not easy to do. Instead, pick up telecommuting gigs that suit your expertise, whether it’s managing social media remotely for a corporation or graphic design. This will enable you to still be remote, but also the flexibility to work on your blog. Avoid these big issues when blogging to set yourself up for success:
1. Slow internet
Nothing will beat you down as easily as a Wi-Fi connection that’s maddeningly slow, perhaps erasing your work in the progress. However, the best Naked broadband isn’t available everywhere, especially if you’re planning to travel to rural or developing countries. Check where you’re staying beforehand, and invest in a traveling hot spot. They can be costly, but definitely worth it.
2. Posting when it’s convenient for you
It might be 3pm in India, but it’s 3am on the west coast. If you want to build followers, you need to research when your market is likely online and needing some entertainment. If this means prepping your blog, waking up in the middle of the night to post, then going back to sleep, so be it. You have to give your readers what they want.
Image Source: Pixabay
3. An ugly layout
Obviously nobody intentionally designs an ugly blog layout. On the other hand, it clearly happens all the time. Ask for feedback before going live, and continuously ask your readers for feedback, too. Sometimes simple is better, such as the Craigslist layout which has featured minimal changes over the years. Too much flash (figuratively and literally) will just slow you down.
4. Ads galore
They might not seem obnoxious to you, but ads are distracting and can even ding you in the SEO points category. If possible, go ad-free even if it means paying a small price. Plus, you don’t want your readers accidentally clicking on an ad and going away from your site.
Being a traveling blogger is feasible, but you need the right tools in your arsenal. Are you equipped?