4 Killer Ideas to Fill a New Tech Blog

Tech blogs can be the most lucrative forums online, but that also means you’ll have fierce competition if you write one. Major companies such as Google feature official bloggers who sometimes give away company tips, hacks, and secrets — all company-approved, of course.

Look at sites like Mashable or the tech wing of blogs like The Huffington Post, and it’s enough to make you want to throw in the towel. But you can succeed if you find a suitable niche.

Your niche can be either in the blog itself or in the creativity of your blog topics. For example, reviewing brand spanking-new USB options can be a great topic, assuming your content is original and organic.


Image Source: Pixabay

While monetizing a blog sounds like an easy way to make a passive income, it’s worlds away from “actual” blogging, where the content is unique. If you prefer quality over the “easy” road (which isn’t that easy) you’re due for some inspiration.

1. Embrace the image

More and more consumers want high-quality images and/or videos that are available in digestible chunks and suitable for a mobile-ready world. If you don’t consider yourself a strong writer but you can whip up a video or infographic like no one’s business, play to your strengths.

2. Look in the trenches

There are two reasons why there might not already be a popular blog about your particular tech niche: It’s undiscovered territory (score!) or it’s not worthwhile.

Do your research before digging in and make sure there will be enough content to make a popular blog. Without materials, you’re going to dead-end really quickly.

3. Expert interviews

Interviewing experts is a great way to drum up original content, but this will require you to have great people and networking skills, too. You have to marry that with solid reporting and writing skills.

For those who have journalistic leanings, this is a good way to fill a blog’s content while also getting to know leaders in the industry.

4. Become the star yourself

If you’re not famous in the tech field, that doesn’t mean you can’t pursue fame online. If you’re brimming with charisma and love being in the spotlight, why not try your hand at building a following on your own merits?

Whether through reviews, demonstrations, or how-to tutorials on technology, your personality can be the real appeal. Blogging isn’t easy, it takes time to make money (if you decide to go for it) … and you’re jumping on the bandwagon a little late.

However, with the right approach, you still might just score.

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Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
