3 Examples of Guest Blogging Done Right

Guest blogging can be an excellent way to promote your brand, expertise, and products to a new audience at no additional cost. And when done right, it will result in high-quality backlinks from a trusted domain, along with a wave of social media mentions that boost your site’s rankings in search engine results. Here are three examples of guest blogging done right.

Kristi Hines of KISSMetrics

Kristi Hines of KISSMetrics is a prolific blogger, and she’s featured in guest posts across the web, as well as the KISSMetrics site. She discusses how to set realistic goals for blogs, how to pitch guest posts, how to write a bio that promotes your brand and other content, and a variety of other topics on guest blogging. She also writes guest blogs for a wide array of sites, as long as there is some sort of overlap with her desired audience and area of expertise. She also provides a good example of how to engage with the readers in the comments, building loyalty, and giving others a reason to stay on the page and read the comments.


Image Source: Pixabay

Neil Patel of Data

If you’ve been involved in SEO for a while, you probably know Neil Patel. Neil Patel is a well-renowned online marketing and SEO expert who has used the power of guest blogging to become one of the most recognisable gurus in the industry.

He offers guest blogs that read like academic papers, regularly running for several thousand words. Where he stands out is the massive pile of data he provides to back up his recommendations, and he discusses how to use various tools to generate similar data to study or improve your own web marketing efforts. Before you wonder how valuable his advice is, you should just know that he’s contributed to major sites like Forbes. He also pairs up with Brian Dean of Backlinkto to create authoritative guides that get cross-linked and shared across the internet. Brian Dean provides very long lists of examples and tactics for his own readers.

Grant Hensel of WritersInCharge

While many bloggers seek to guest post to cross-promote their own blog, freelance writers often guest-post to promote their writing, whether or not it is promoted on their own blog. Grant Hensel of WritersInCharge is a guest blogger who gives advice to these professionals – often in guest blog posts on sites that cater to writers.

Guest blogging is one of the most powerful tools for freelance writers, as they get to teach their main demographic while showcasing the quality of their content as well. They also get fringe SEO benefits as well, as their main blog begins to grow and attract new mentions.

For this reason, it is worth hiring an expert such as clickintelligence.com to manage your blogger outreach requirements.


Guest blogging is one of the most powerful tools you can use to build brand awareness, as long as you know what you’re doing. If you are looking at guest blogging as an option, these examples should be enough to get your creative juices flowing.

Osho Garg

About Author
Osho is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TecheHow.
